Saturday, September 5, 2020

Beneath The Story: Lovers and haters, bats out of hell, hell hounds on earth, devils in glasses, clear as mud views to share, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, lessons learned.

Coping with COVID-19

Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides. Hope in colors, hope floating all the time, hopes and prayers, searching for places to land. Purple hairs, purple hopes, air full of hopes, air full of dreams, goats and sheep, dazes of love, dazes of hate.
Back in the day, third party views, mine and others, veterans lost and alone, hurt and broken, trips to hell and back, friends for a moment or two.

Image may contain: text
Beneath The Story: Lovers and haters, bats out of hell, hell hounds on earth, devils in glasses, clear as mud views to share, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, lessons learned.
Image may contain: text that says 'Good morning, which crow is your mood today? 1 2 3 5 6'
Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides. Hope in colors, hope floating all the time, hopes and prayers, searching for places to land. Purple hairs, purple hopes, air full of hopes, air full of dreams, goats and sheep, dazes of love, dazes of hate.
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, tree, child, outdoor and nature
Beneath The Story: Lovers and haters, bats out of hell, hell hounds on earth, devils in glasses, clear as mud views to share, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, lessons learned.

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